At Property Portal 24, we believe in making the process of listing your business a breeze.

We understand that time is valuable, and that’s why we’ve designed a user-friendly platform that simplifies the entire listing process.

We have streamlined your journey towards increased visibility and growth. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just beginning your venture, our step-by-step guide will help you list your business with simplicity. Prepare yourself to seize new chances, broaden your reach, and introduce your professional services to a large audience.

Let’s dive into the hassle-free process on Property Portal 24, where success awaits you at every click.

Step 1

NB* You can list your business via your mobile device or your desktop computer, however we suggest using your desktop computer, especially if you have the images that you want to use on your desktop computer.

On the Home page, You can click on the Pricing Plans option in in Menu (left hand top corner) or click on the plus symbol in the right hand top corner.

Step 2

NB* Please note, Only first time subscribers can choose to use the Intro Plan which is a 30-day Free Trial, after this plan has expired you have to upgrade to either the Standard Plan or the Premium Plan.

Review the different packages and choose your suitable Pricing plan by clicking on continue.

Step 3

NB* On the Submit your listing page, you can now enter the required fields, as you scroll down you will see a help guide / tool tip on the right hand;

We will also give guidelines to these steps with more detail.

It is important to read through the following to prepare the information you need to complete these fields. Some fields are self-explanatory, just complete accordingly.

Business Listing Title:
(Enter your Business Name as you want it to appear for everyone to see)

Full Address:
(You can either type in the addres or use the Geolocation with Google Maps)

Categories and Services:
You can choose a category, if your business’s category is not listed, choose any one and let us know per email, and we will look into it.

Business Hours:
You can add, change or remove your business hours accordingly.

Social Media:
Here you can enter the URL (link) from each of your company’s Social Media Pages. These appear on your listing where potential clients can click and view them.

(Select the specific Social Media platform and paste the link (url) from that specific platform page)

For example:

Frequently Asked Questions:

FAQ’s are a great tool to use because they provide a quick and easy way for people to find answers to common questions without having to contact customer support or search through a lot of information. They can also help to improve customer satisfaction by providing clear and concise answers to common queries.

In addition, FAQ’s can save time and resources for companies by reducing the number of repetitive questions that customer support teams have to answer.

More Information:

In the “Description” text field is where you tell your potential clients about what type of services your business does and what makes your business unique, see it as your advertising text.

Tags or Keywords:

This field is not mandatory, but we do advise if you can, add some good, attention-grabbing tag words and keywords in here relating to your services. Keep it under 10 words, this helps potential clients find you easier.

Example: Real Estate Services, Sectional Title Scheme Management, Transfer Attorney, Conveyance Attorney, Bond Origination Services, Home Loans.


Your business Video:

Do you have a promotional video that enhances your visibility to your potential clients? If yes, paste the link (url) either from Youtube or Vimeo in here. Please note, for the video to display properly, the Video must be “Child-friendly”, in your video platform settings, if it set to Not Children-friendly, it will not display.


You are granted with a number of up to 15 images you can add to your business listing. Please note your business listing will be reviewed before published, therefore we request that you use decent, high quality and “NO-VULGAR” images, remember these pictures represent your business.

Feature Image:

This is the main image that will display in the background of your business listing when people search for your services.
Image Size: 372px X 400px

Business Logo:

Add a business logo, you can add a (Jpeg) or (png) file format.
Image Size: 200px X 200px

Step 4 - Final Step

Enter your email address and a username, and click on “Save & Preview” – This will happen with your first time listing, which is valid for 30 days.

You will then be redirected to your User Dashboard. Once you are in your Dashboard, click on Listings tab on the left side, you will now then see your listing and its status.

Your listing is now waiting to be reviewed by our administrators and will be published once approved.

We will contact you if there is anything withholding your listing from being approved.

*Please note any vulgar images or language and foul language will not be tolerated on this platform. Keep your images and text decent and respectable for your clients.

After you have done the changes, we have to review it again before approved for publication.

Once your business listing has been approved it will then be published and be visible on the Property-Portal 24.



If you need any assistance or guidance, please email us at