REDZ etc


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REDZetc is an innovative real estate brand that aims to revolutionize the real estate marketing environment.

Founded and managed by Pam Snyman, who has been serving the real estate industry since 1986, the company was established to professionalize the industry on different levels. Pam believed that the industry needed serious reinventing and a fresh approach, which led her to create REDZetc.

The company’s core values revolve around a servient leadership culture based on sound principles and values that prioritize client-orientation over self-orientation. REDZetc has grown steadily and has attracted over 120 agents and several entrepreneurial associate companies who believe in the brand and its culture of compliance, integrity, transparency, expertise, and passion.

The company focuses on providing excellent service by experienced and educated estate agents who work collaboratively to offer properties to potential buyers.

Pam’s efforts have been recognized through various accolades, including being appointed to the Board of the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) in November 2021.


Q Buyers: How do I find the right property?

Decide on your requirements, list the essential features you need, and consider the location, affordability, proximity to amenities, and resale potential.

Q Buyers: How do I finance my property purchase?

First, determine what you can afford to spend on your home. If necessary, obtain a loan from a financial institution, but do not spend more than 25-30% of monthly gross income on the repayment of the loan. Consider providing a large deposit and making provisions for fluctuating interest rates.

Q Buyers: What is conveyancing?

Conveyancing is the process of legally transferring property ownership from the seller to the buyer. The transferring attorney or conveyancer charges the buyer a conveyancing fee for registering the transfer of the property.

Q Buyers: Which taxes are payable on purchasing a property

When purchasing a property the buyer has to pay Transfer Duty on the purchase price.

In the event that the seller is a registered VAT vendor, then the buyer is exempt from paying Transfer Duty because VAT of 15% will be included in the purchase price. The buyer therefore only pays Transfer Duty if the seller is not a VAT vendor.

Q Sellers: What should a potential seller do before putting their property on the market?

The potential seller should be absolutely sure that they want to sell and should not put their property on the market to “test” the market or to find out what price their property should fetch.

Q Sellers: What compliance certificates is the seller responsible for providing to the buyer?

The seller is responsible for providing compliance certificates for electricity, electrical fencing, plumbing, gas, and beetles to the buyer.

Q Sellers: What are some tips for making a property more saleable?

Some tips for making a property more saleable include making the entrance attractive, getting rid of clutter, cleaning the windows, keeping walls neat and clear of marks, making sure all light bulbs work, keeping cupboards and drawers neat, revamping kitchens, keeping bathrooms clean and minimal, and ensuring that smells in the home are always pleasant.

Q Sellers: Why might overpricing a property when it initially goes on the market be a problem?

Overpricing a property when it initially goes on the market will likely be the main reason that it does not sell as soon as anticipated.
